Yearly Archive: 2012

minimal web

minimal web

A website with the main purpose of having people read content would best serve its readers with almost nothing else but what’s needed for the reading experience. Strip a site of all its distraction, cruft, gimmicks, promotions, advertising, social sharing and more … and all you have is the pure reading experience. A minimalist website. […]

all our fantasies

all our fantasies

We all spend much of our lives in fantasies. I’m included in that observation: I fantasize about living a simple, minimalist life, I fantasize about traveling to foreign wonders, I fantasize about having a nice body, about being a great writer, about being the perfect father, and on and on. This is how we spend […]

the minimalism of not knowing

the minimalism of not knowing

These days, nearly everything we want to know is a few keystrokes away, almost instantly gratifying our desire to know something. What’s the weather like outside? Do a quick check of your weather app. Who the heck is Gabriel Garcia Marquez? Ask Wikipedia. Who is the lead boy actor in Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom? Search […]

living for everyone else

living for everyone else

A lot of people don’t do minimalism because it doesn’t seem realistic for their lives. But what they often mean is that they don’t want others to think they’re weird. Wearing the same clothes every day might seem weird to your friends and co-workers. Having no car might make you seem like an oddball. Not […]

as happy as possible

as happy as possible

I believe I’m as happy as it is possible to be. I’m not crying out in ecstatic pleasure, or streaming tears of joy, but I am very happy. It’s not a peak of happiness, but a plateau of happiness that can go on for as long as I live. This is a happiness I wish […]

being OK with things as they are

being OK with things as they are

We strive to improve our lives, often because we are dissatisfied with how things are. I know this, because I’ve lived it. I don’t like the way I look, so I try to improve myself. I don’t like my house, so I work to get a better one. I want everyone around me to improve […]

Be able to walk away

Be able to walk away

In any kind of negotiation, your ability to walk away is your strongest tool. Those who can walk away from the negotiation — legitimately walk away, not just make a show of it — are in the strongest position. Those who are convinced they need to make the deal are in the weakest position. This […]