Monthly Archive: October 2018

The Little Handbook for Getting Stuff Done

There’s a ton to be gained by getting good at Getting Stuff Done (GSD). While I don’t think that productivity and efficiency is the answer to life, nor should it be your only focus … there are still a ton of benefits from Getting Stuff Done. A ton.

The Little Handbook for Getting Stuff Done

The Little Handbook for Getting Stuff Done

By Leo Babauta There’s a ton to be gained by getting good at Getting Stuff Done (GSD). While I don’t think that productivity and efficiency is the answer to life, nor should it be your only focus … there are still a ton of benefits from Getting Stuff Done. A ton. Some of the benefits: […]

Paring Down Your Life

Paring Down Your Life

By Leo Babauta Our lives are overfull. There’s not a single one of us who is free of that trap, in my experience. We say yes to invitations and commitments, we answer as many emails and messages as we can, we join courses and groups, buy books and take on new hobbies, get involved in […]

Paring Down Your Life

Paring Down Your Life

By Leo Babauta Our lives are overfull. There’s not a single one of us who is free of that trap, in my experience. We say yes to invitations and commitments, we answer as many emails and messages as we can, we join courses and groups, buy books and take on new hobbies, get involved in […]

Sixty Fourth Income Report – July 2018 ($2625.96)

Sixty Fourth Income Report – July 2018 ($2625.96)

Are you curious about a 3-month delay? I explained it in my first income report. Vacations got me without really me noticing it. July was the first full month of vacations for my kids. My wife was working from home, so I was the only one who was leaving home to go to work. Luckily […]

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A Hidden Source of Power

Almost every one of us gives away our power, unthinkingly. For example: Someone does something inconsiderate or infuriating that frustrates or angers you. You fume about it for hours.

A Hidden Source of Power

A Hidden Source of Power

By Leo Babauta Almost every one of us gives away our power, unthinkingly. For example: Someone does something inconsiderate or infuriating that frustrates or angers you. You fume about it for hours. You’ve given this person the power to make you frustrated and angry, to ruin your day, often without them even realizing it. You […]