Category: Happiness

How We’re Harmed by Our Dissatisfaction with Ourselves

How We’re Harmed by Our Dissatisfaction with Ourselves

By Leo Babauta Over the last five years or so, as I’ve worked with thousands of people on changing their habits, I’ve come to a realization: dissatisfaction with ourselves is a pretty universal phenomenon. We are unhappy with who we are, sometimes in small ways but often in very fundamental ways. We doubt ourselves, feel […]

The 44 Training Program: Turning Uncertainty & Discomfort into Mindful Openness

The 44 Training Program: Turning Uncertainty & Discomfort into Mindful Openness

By Leo Babauta Today is my 44th birthday (thanks mom!) and I have a gift for you, my beautiful readers: It’s called The 44 Training Program: Turning Uncertainty to Find Mindful Openness. What the heck is that? It’s a video training program that I’m offering for free, to help you: Overcome uncertainty, anxiety, fear, discomfort […]

My Mission: Help the World Transform Fear into Openness & Joy

My Mission: Help the World Transform Fear into Openness & Joy

By Leo Babauta When I started Zen Habits 10 years ago, I simply wanted to share what I’d been learning about changing my habits and simplifying my life with others. Then something magical happened. Over the next year or two, people took some of my tips and changed their lives. They were able to finally […]

A Guide to Fear Mastery

A Guide to Fear Mastery

By Leo Babauta We normally think of fear as something that’s holding us back, or something to be avoided … but what if we could see it as a powerful tool? What if we could master that tool? We’d become masters at life, able to push through fears of rejection, failure, ridicule, and more. Fear […]

The Antidote to Self-Harshness & Resentment

The Antidote to Self-Harshness & Resentment

By Leo Babauta There are two poisons that have hurt me so much over the years: Self-harshness — I have so often been critical of myself, harsh on myself, about all my little failures, that this harshness has become one of the biggest things holding me back. Resentment – I’ve increasingly become aware of how […]

Three Practices for the Overwhelmed, Stressed, Anxious

Three Practices for the Overwhelmed, Stressed, Anxious

By Leo Babauta Many of us feel overwhelmed by all we need to do, and it can be downright stressful. I’d like to share three practices to take you from overwhelmed to just whelmed. You can’t eliminate stress, anxiety or the feeling of being overwhelmed from your life, nor would you want to. However, you […]

An Intimate Retreat to Create Mindfulness, Life Change & Magic

An Intimate Retreat to Create Mindfulness, Life Change & Magic

By Leo Babauta One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever experienced was opening my heart and making powerful, intimate connections with 20+ strangers in the cloud rainforest of Ecuador last year. It was this experience of connection and vulnerability, mindfulness and reflecting on life purpose, that inspired me to create my own live, intimate […]

My New Video Course: Dealing with Struggles

My New Video Course: Dealing with Struggles

By Leo Babauta I’m really excited to tell you guys about my new video course, Dealing with Struggles, which I’m launching today. It’s for anyone who is struggling with: Frustration Procrastination Changing their habits Feeling overwhelmed Stress and anxiety Feeling down or unmotivated Relationship problems Unhappy with their direction in life Feeling bad about themselves […]

4 Step Guide to Letting Go of the Past

4 Step Guide to Letting Go of the Past

By Leo Babauta We’re constantly struggling with the past, in so many ways: Mistakes we’ve made that we regret or that make us feel bad about ourselves Anger about something someone did to us Frustration about how things have progressed up until now A wish that things turned out differently Stories about what happened that […]