Overcoming the Fear of Aging
Last year, I turned 50 years old … and I found myself thinking about aging more than I ever had before. To be clear, 50 years old is still pretty young.
Personal finance blog that makes you save or earn a little at the time. Simple frugal living.
Last year, I turned 50 years old … and I found myself thinking about aging more than I ever had before. To be clear, 50 years old is still pretty young.
By Leo Babauta When we’re looking to grow, what we’re really trying to do is step into a new, expanded view of ourselves. For example, if you want to be more mindful, or live more simply, or be more compassionate with yourself or others, or be more disciplined about your meaningful work … these are […]
The post Expanding Beyond Our Old Self-View appeared first on zen habits.
By Leo Babauta Most of our stresses and frustrations come from our unwillingness to let go. Hear me out: think about something you’re stressing about, or someone you’re frustrated about. What thought do you have about that person or situation that causes the frustration? It’s often an invisible thought, that we don’t realize we have, […]
The post The Practice of Letting Go appeared first on zen habits.
By Leo Babauta Amazingly, we’re headed into autumn, with summer just winding down now … the changing of seasons is always a great time for reflection. For me, I find that summer often throws of my carefully laid out routines and habits. Travel, visitors, doing more things outdoors … all of this can throw off […]
The post The Season of Restarting Habits appeared first on zen habits.
By Leo Babauta One of the biggest obstacles standing in the way of our personal progress is discouragement. Whether you’re trying to form a new habit (reading, meditation, exercise, waking early) or taking on a meaningful project, or just getting your life in order … discouragement is one of the biggest reasons you’ll get stopped. […]
The post A Short Guide to Dealing with Discouragement appeared first on zen habits.
Today I’m feeling sore and tired from hard strength workouts, playing lots of basketball, and doing a hill sprint session yesterday with my son.
When most people try to start a new habit — like exercise, meditation, waking early, journaling — they tend to try to go as hard as they can.
I challenge you to do a test before you read the rest of this post (well OK, read the next two paragraphs then go do the challenge)
On average, people spend more than 3 hours on their phones each day, picking up their phones nearly 60 times a day … with some people spending closer to 4 hours.
When we are procrastinating, avoiding exercise or some other habit we want to create, or avoiding taking on a difficult project … the underlying cause is rarely what we think it is.