Category: video

Engage 7: How to Reach a Stunning New Level of Freedom

Lesson 7 of the free Engage course covers how to significantly increase your freedom, so you can enjoy a remarkable flow of time abundance to explore and experience what most appeals to you, including delightful connections with highly compatible people. This video reveals many subtleties that affect how much freedom you can access, express, and…

Engage 7: How to Reach a Stunning New Level of Freedom

Lesson 7 of the free Engage course covers how to significantly increase your freedom, so you can enjoy a remarkable flow of time abundance to explore and experience what most appeals to you, including delightful connections with highly compatible people. This video reveals many subtleties that affect how much freedom you can access, express, and…

Engage 4: Fill Your Reality With Your Light

Here’s lesson 4 for the free Engage course. It’s about how to use your power to create the reality you desire. This video especially focuses on how to shift from wanting something to actually experiencing it. As I watched it, I really liked the vibe all the way through and opted not to do any…

Give the Truth a Voice

Here’s quick video about using the “cards speak” standard to give the truth a voice in your life – and the importance of separating truth from power when making decisions.

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Collection or merely clutter

Writer Marc Sotkin produces the website Boomer Alley, which is self-described as a “consistently entertaining, professional grade, irreverent look at the world of the Baby Boomers”. If you can’t see the video in the...

Top 5 Most Inspirational Videos on YouTube

Sometimes we all can use a little inspiration. I thought I’d share some of my favorite inspirational videos with you, hoping that it’ll help pick you up today. Play these as needed. Warning: you...