Category: Announcements

Checking in With You

Checking in With You

For today’s post I’d like to pause and check in with you. I’d also like to invite you to check in with yourself and reflect on how you’re doing. I’d genuinely love some feedback from you – not about me or my writing but about you and your life. Would you be willing to share…

Facebook Is Removing My Coronavirus Posts

Facebook Is Removing My Coronavirus Posts

I have to report that the coronavirus information and news posts that I’ve been sharing on Facebook have been getting removed by Facebook today. This includes several posts I’ve shared there from my blog, news items from other sources, and even reshares of other people’s posts. Other people have also been telling me that when…

Read Facebook Is Removing My Coronavirus Posts by Steve Pavlina

To My Influencer and Marketer Friends

To My Influencer and Marketer Friends

This is not remotely a “business as usual” situation. Please open your eyes to what’s happening. But more importantly, please open your heart to what’s about to happen. This isn’t a time to be working on your launches. This isn’t a time to work on your campaigns. The focus on business needs to be put…

Read To My Influencer and Marketer Friends by Steve Pavlina

More Than 300 Have Now Joined Stature

More Than 300 Have Now Joined Stature

So far 304 people have joined the new character sculpting deep dive since the start of the year, which is terrific to see. You can see the real-time sign-up count at the top of the Stature page if you’re curious… at least during the initial launch. Since today is the last day of the launch…

Read More Than 300 Have Now Joined Stature by Steve Pavlina

Stature Progress Update

Stature Progress Update

The new Stature character sculpting course is coming along beautifully during our co-creative phase. I just published the 13th and final lesson of Module 1: Awareness, and I’m about to start on Module 2 next. At the start of the year, there were only 4 lessons published, and now we have 13 lessons in the…

Read Stature Progress Update by Steve Pavlina

365-Day Challenges

365-Day Challenges

I shared a version of this post in the Conscious Growth Club forums and on my Facebook profile yesterday. Now I think it’s time to share it with my blog readers too, along with an additional update. I’m considering a 365-day challenge for 2020 that might be a little crazy – okay, a lot crazy…

The post 365-Day Challenges appeared first on Steve Pavlina.

Little Luxuries

Little Luxuries

If you took all the money you spend on luxury lattes each year and saved it instead, you’d have a little bit more money but a less luxurious life. But you’d also risk getting more entrenched in a scarcity mindset because scaling back your lifestyle just to save a little extra money is mostly a…

The post Little Luxuries appeared first on Steve Pavlina.