Author: Steve Pavlina

Bases Loaded Reflections + Videos Now Available

Bases Loaded Reflections + Videos Now Available

I’m happy to report that last week’s Bases Loaded event on Life Balance went exceedingly well. I’m really delighted with how it turned out – mentally and emotionally it was a very heart-opening and connected experience. If you haven’t gone through it yet, I strongly encourage you to get the recordings and watch them this…

Bases Loaded Event Recordings Now Available

Bases Loaded Event Recordings Now Available

The recordings for our recent Bases Loaded event are now available – more than 9 hours of video in total, delivered live online over four days this week. This series is about creating a life that aligns with Courage, Love, Trust, and Joy. We covered one of these four bases in depth for each day…

Today’s Live Call on Love Alignment

Today’s Live Call on Love Alignment

Today, July 11, 2024, I’m hosting a 2-hour Zoom call on Love alignment, which is about summoning new levels of harmony, cooperation, flow, and oneness into your life. I invite you to join us. The live call is 10 AM to noon Pacific Time, and you get the recording too. Even if you can’t attend…

Bases Loaded Event: July 9-12, 2024

Bases Loaded Event: July 9-12, 2024

Yay! We’re doing a new online event this week. You’re invited! It’s called Bases Loaded, and it’s about a very unique and different approach to life balance, using a baseball diamond metaphor to help you understand the four most important balancing frequencies. This is short-notice deliberately, so we can get really high alignment for this,…

New Bases Loaded Online Event: July 9-12, 2024

New Bases Loaded Online Event: July 9-12, 2024

This is short-notice deliberately, so we can get really high alignment for this, meaning little gap between your decision and partaking in the live experience. This Tuesday through Friday, July 9-12, I’m hosting a series of four Zoom calls (one per day, 2 hours per call) on the topic of life balance. And it’s not…

Direct Core Relationships

Have you thought much about the core relationships you’d like to cultivate with life, such as your relationships with work, people, physical reality, your body, government, creativity, entertainment, time, food, intimacy, home, etc?

CGC Year 7 Underway 🎉

CGC Year 7 Underway 🎉

Year 7 of Conscious Growth Club (CGC), our exclusive personal growth community, is off to a delightful start. We welcomed our newest members with an orientation call on Friday, May 5th, and today, we’re holding our first Intention Infusion call, one of the many new call formats we’re introducing this year. In these calls, we’ll…

Ask AI What to Watch

Ask AI What to Watch

After working on my Q2 2023 goals yesterday evening (via Conscious Growth Club’s 5-step goal setting process), I wanted some chill time before bed, so I asked ChatGPT to recommend an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation that would be a perfect fit for my goals. “The Inner Light” is one of my all-time…