Category: Abundance

Bases Loaded Reflections + Videos Now Available

Bases Loaded Reflections + Videos Now Available

I’m happy to report that last week’s Bases Loaded event on Life Balance went exceedingly well. I’m really delighted with how it turned out – mentally and emotionally it was a very heart-opening and connected experience. If you haven’t gone through it yet, I strongly encourage you to get the recordings and watch them this…

Bases Loaded Event: July 9-12, 2024

Bases Loaded Event: July 9-12, 2024

Yay! We’re doing a new online event this week. You’re invited! It’s called Bases Loaded, and it’s about a very unique and different approach to life balance, using a baseball diamond metaphor to help you understand the four most important balancing frequencies. This is short-notice deliberately, so we can get really high alignment for this,…

Frequencies of Experience

Frequencies of Experience

I often think of life as summation of different experiential frequencies, much like different musical instruments can combine to create a song. Some frequencies combine harmoniously while others would sound discordant if you tried to merge them. What about I find most interesting about this model is that it helps me discover when some frequencies…

How to Shift Into a New Reality Faster

How to Shift Into a New Reality Faster

Last night I had a vivid dream where Rachelle and I were students in a spirituality seminar. The theme was about embodying your higher self. We were the only two people who showed up for it, waiting for the instructor to arrive. I realized that I showed up in my pajamas, and I thought to…

Upgrading Your Reference Frames

Conscious reframing is one of the most accessible self-development skills because it aligns with how your brain works internally. Your brain already performs this task for you. And just as you can consciously control your breathing, you can also learn to consciously control your reference frames.

Why It’s Unwise to Be a Minimalist

When I first heard about the concept of minimalism many years ago, I was intrigued but also a bit hesitant. As I looked into it, I found that my hesitation towards it was well-founded, and I don’t consider it a particularly intelligent strategy for life or business.

row of four men sitting on mountain trail

5 Keys to Social Alignment

What is an aligned social circle? When people ponder improving their social lives, what do they actually want? For the past two weeks, I’ve been reading and taking detailed notes on feedback from some questions that I posed to my email list. I asked people to tell me about their social circles, including what’s working…

Why Bigger Goals Can Be Easier to Achieve

I originally shared this post on January 6 in Conscious Growth Club’s member forums, as a follow-up to our quarterly goal planning process. I thought it would be nice to share it here as well. Many CGCers found it helpful. Let me share an unusual insight about why it’s often easier to achieve goals that…

Surround Sound Intentions

In November I did a 30-day challenge regarding ideation, sharing progress updates in the CGC forums as I went along. My version of the challenge was to generate 100+ divergent ideas per day for each day of November. My intention was to stimulate some thinking in new directions. Most of the ideas I generated weren’t…