Author: zenhabits

Give Up Comfort

By Leo Babauta I was boarding an airplane today, and the woman ahead of me had a huge travel pillow, a blanket, and a few other items designed to give her maximum comfort on the flight. Someone I know was about to go on a trip, and they spent a month worrying about whether they […]

How to Let Go of Any Possession

Over the years, I’ve come to be very good at letting go of just about anything. In fact, I’ve come to relish the joy of letting go of possessions. It’s liberating and delicious! But most people I know struggle with letting go of the possessions they hold onto most tightly.

A Case Against Optimizing Your Life

Many people I know are on a quest to optimize their lives — some of my favorite people in the world will spend days trying to perfect a productivity system, get things automated, or find the perfect software for anything they are doing.

How to Be Mindful All the Time

I often get asked about how to remember to be mindful more of the time — how can we remember to not only be present more, but to be compassionate, to drop into our bodies when we’re feeling difficult emotions, to have a beginners mind, to relax into the chaos.

Herding Cats: A Simple Method for Working with the Disorder of Our Lives

By Leo Babauta When we’re trying to change our habits and our lives, even if you have some success, you’ll notice two longer-term difficulties: Habit efforts get sidetracked, you are constantly in a state of transition, things are always in flux, and it can all feel completely out of control. What you really want is […]

The Practice of Vast Open Sky

Body like a mountain Breath like the wind Mind like the sky ~Tibetan Meditation Instruction By Leo Babauta A number of meditation traditions have practices that are a dropping of the ego into wide open awareness.