Category: Books

Give a Last-Minute Gift of Transformation to Those You Care About

By Leo Babauta As you consider a loving gift to give those you care deeply about, you might be feeling the pressure of finding a last-minute gift … I’d like to suggest a digital gift to help them change their lives. A lot of people we care about are looking to change their habits, shift […]

The Fearless Purpose Training Package: A System for the Uncertainty of Your Meaningful Work

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” ~Rumi By Leo Babauta Today I’m releasing a training package called Fearless Purpose that is the culmination of the last few years of my life’s work. The ebook & training system are about fearlessly training in the uncertainty and anxiety that gets in the […]

The free Eat More Plants! cookbook

By Leo Babauta A couple months ago, one of my favorite cookbook authors/bloggers (Jules Clancy of Stone Soup) came to me and asked in her Australian accent, “G’day Leo, how would you like to collaborate on a free vegan cookbook? I promise it won’t have Fosters or vegemoit in it, mate!” OK, she didn’t say […]

The free Eat More Plants! cookbook

By Leo Babauta A couple months ago, one of my favorite cookbook authors/bloggers (Jules Clancy of Stone Soup) came to me and asked in her Australian accent, “G’day Leo, how would you like to collaborate on a free vegan cookbook? I promise it won’t have Fosters or vegemoit in it, mate!” OK, she didn’t say […]

An Intimate Retreat to Create Mindfulness, Life Change & Magic

By Leo Babauta One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever experienced was opening my heart and making powerful, intimate connections with 20+ strangers in the cloud rainforest of Ecuador last year. It was this experience of connection and vulnerability, mindfulness and reflecting on life purpose, that inspired me to create my own live, intimate […]

My New Video Course: Dealing with Struggles

By Leo Babauta I’m really excited to tell you guys about my new video course, Dealing with Struggles, which I’m launching today. It’s for anyone who is struggling with: Frustration Procrastination Changing their habits Feeling overwhelmed Stress and anxiety Feeling down or unmotivated Relationship problems Unhappy with their direction in life Feeling bad about themselves […]

Short Read: The Zen Habits Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness (ebook)

By Leo Babauta I’m happy to share with you a new “short read” ebook that I’ve written: the Zen Habits Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness. I’ve written this for absolute or near beginners, who would like to bring mindfulness into their lives … or who are struggling with: Procrastination Creating better habits Frustration, disappointment, feeling stuck […]