Category: Adventure & Health

Thoughts on Healthy Eating

By Leo Babauta Eating healthy is something I’ve been a bit obsessed with for the last couple of decades, and I’ve transformed my eating in some really fundamental ways: These are huge transformations for me, and they’ve changed my health and my mindset towards health. At 51 years old, I feel incredibly healthy — and […]

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How to Be More Embodied

Most of us live in about 8% of our body most of the time — the head. Even though we have a lot of body beneath the head, we forget about that most of the day. We’re on our screens, doing work, consuming content, messaging.

The body as a vessel for living

Something I’ve noticed is that we spend a lot of our lives wrapping our identity in our bodies. If our body is something we’re proud of, we feel really good about ourselves … but...

Thinking Mode vs Doing Mode

By Leo Babauta I spend a lot of time dreaming about things — incredible adventures I want to go on, self-improvement projects, all those books I plan on reading! And there’s nothing wrong with that. Dreaming is wonderful. What I’ve noticed, though, is that sometimes I get stuck in the thinking and dreaming mode, and […]

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The Get Active & Fit Challenge for January!

By Leo Babauta My friends, it’s time to start moving. We have the energy of the New Year and a fresh start — let’s actually start getting active and fit. I invite you to join me and other members of my Sea Change Program in the Get Active & Fit Challenge. We’re starting this week […]