Category: Habits

The 5 Keys to Forming Any Habit

The 5 Keys to Forming Any Habit

By Leo Babauta We all struggle with our habits — sticking to them, staying motivated, getting started, dealing with disruptions, it can become a big struggle. And yet, to change our habits is to change our lives. If we can’t make habit changes, we will be stuck in our current way of doing things, which […]

The Main Reason Changing Your Life is Tough

The Main Reason Changing Your Life is Tough

By Leo Babauta Many of us have things we’d like to change: our exercise and diet habits, procrastination and productivity habits, patience and mindfulness habits, quitting bad habits, decluttering and finances, reading and learning and doing all the things we want to do in life. But very often we fall short of our hopes. What’s […]

How to Change Your Eating Patterns

How to Change Your Eating Patterns

By Leo Babauta Many of us are trapped in our old, hardened eating patterns. In fact, we might not even be aware of the patterns, but we do know that 1) we’d like to get healthier or leaner; 2) we have a hard time making eating changes; 3) we don’t always know how to change. […]

Stepping Out of Old Habits & Deeper Into Mindfulness

Most of our lives are spent following unconscious, habitual patterns. We wake and start immediately with our usual distractions, fall into regular eating habits, interact with people reactively out of old mental patterns, procrastinate and put off exercise.

To Create a Habit, Tell a Good Story

To Create a Habit, Tell a Good Story

By Leo Babauta If you want to create a new exercise habit (for example), you might tell yourself something like this: “This is going to be amazing, I’m going to get fit and look incredible and be super healthy!” This is a story you’re telling yourself. It’s not real, but it has tremendous power to […]

How to Develop an Awesome Sense of Direction

How to Develop an Awesome Sense of Direction

By Leo Babauta It’s strange, but I’ve discovered I have a better sense of direction than many people — when I travel, it doesn’t take that long for me to figure out the lay of the land, and soon I’m walking around almost like a local. But I’ve also found out that many other people […]