My New Video Course: Dealing with Struggles
By Leo Babauta
I’m really excited to tell you guys about my new video course, Dealing with Struggles, which I’m launching today.
It’s for anyone who is struggling with:
- Frustration
- Procrastination
- Changing their habits
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Stress and anxiety
- Feeling down or unmotivated
- Relationship problems
- Unhappy with their direction in life
- Feeling bad about themselves
In short, this is all of us, to some extent.
It can seem like there’s no way out of our difficulties, but there is. It just takes some practice and a bit of courage.
This course helps us to get to the root of these common struggles.
What’s beneath all of our anxieties about ourselves, our struggles with habits and procrastination?
How can we develop the tools and the mindfulness to work with the root of all of these problems?
We’ll dive into these ideas in this course.
What You Get
In this course, you will:
- Get two video lessons a week
- Get a mindfulness exercise for each lesson
- Be able to submit questions that I’ll answer
- Work with very powerful tools to unravel our old problems
- Learn to deal with difficulties and the resistance we often face
- Learn how to break old patterns and form new ones, to create the life we want
- Deal with each moment with mindfulness, equanimity & compassion
These tools have helped me to change my entire life — from changing all my habits, helping me to be more mindful and compassionate. I offer them to anyone who is struggling.
I’m opening my heart to anyone who joins this course.
It won’t necessarily be easy — you’ll have to put in some work — but it can be life-changing. And I’ll be there with you.
Bonus Ebooks
In addition to the course, which I believe is already very valuable … I’m offering five bonus ebooks that I’ve written:
- Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness
- Essential Zen Habits
- Little Book of Contentment
- The One Skill – How Mastering the Art of Letting Go Will Change Your Life
- Focus: A Simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction
I’ll also be answer questions submitted by course participants in articles and videos that I’ll publish during the course. And we’ll have a Facebook group for discussion of the course by participants.
I hope you’ll join me.