You Can Now Follow Me on Facebook
My blog posts and news updates are now automatically reposted to my Facebook page, so you can “follow” me there if you’d like to receive my latest updates via Facebook. I just recently enabled this, so presently there are just a handful of people following that page.
I used to be super active on Facebook many years ago, maxed out at 5K friends (and with thousands more on a fan page). It was fun for a while, but I wanted to invest more energy in other pursuits, so I quit Facebook years ago (and Twitter as well).
In late 2016 I created a fresh Facebook account to access some paid private groups that I belong to. I was reluctant to do so, but some entrepreneurial communities host their communities there, and it’s been worthwhile to have an account to access those groups.
I keep my current Facebook account at zero friends with friend requests disabled. Please don’t take it personally. I just don’t want to dive back into the lifestyle of being super active on Facebook again. That experience ran its course. Hope you understand. 🙂
I am, however, happy to enable auto-posting of my blog and news posts to Facebook if it makes it more convenient for people who want to stay in tune with my latest work. That is scalable and easy to maintain. So… done!
If you know of others who’d be interested in this, feel free to share this with them. Hugs! <3
The post You Can Now Follow Me on Facebook appeared first on Steve Pavlina.