Monthly Archive: September 2015

The Truth About Your Uncertain Life Path & Purpose

The Truth About Your Uncertain Life Path & Purpose

By Leo Babauta If you’re in your 20s or even 30s, you might feel a lot of uncertainty all the time — you aren’t sure what your life purpose is, or your uncertain about what path you should take in life. This is normal. We all want to know what our driving ambitions should be […]

I’m Returning to Single-Tasking

I’m Returning to Single-Tasking

By Leo Babauta I have a confession to make: despite writing books on the subject, along with numerous posts, I haven’t been single-tasking lately. I’ve returned to multi-tasking and distraction. I’d like to blame my smart phone (I long for the days of my sweet dumb phone), but in all honesty I constantly switch browser […]

How Not to Do It All

How Not to Do It All

By Leo Babauta We all want to do so much: take on every request that people email us, complete our neverending list of tasks and projects, help everyone, travel everywhere, learn a ton of new skills, read every book and watch every good film, be the perfect partner and parent and friend … And yet, […]

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

A spiritual purpose statement answers the question: Why am I here? A spiritual purpose statement for a relationship answers the question: Why are we in each other’s lives? Yesterday I felt inspired to create a spiritual purpose statement for my relationship with Rachelle. I figured it would be simplest if I took a first stab […]

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

A spiritual purpose statement answers the question: Why am I here? A spiritual purpose statement for a relationship answers the question: Why are we in each other’s lives? Yesterday I felt inspired to create a spiritual purpose statement for my relationship with Rachelle. I figured it would be simplest if I took a first stab […]

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

A spiritual purpose statement answers the question: Why am I here? A spiritual purpose statement for a relationship answers the question: Why are we in each other’s lives? Yesterday I felt inspired to create a spiritual purpose statement for my relationship with Rachelle. I figured it would be simplest if I took a first stab […]