Category: Purpose

Exploring Without Neediness

Have you ever thought about what the world wants from you, as opposed to what you want to give? When you think about your life purpose, is the focus mainly on what you can supply? Does your purpose stem from what you desire to give, such as sharing music if you like music or coaching […]

10 Ways To Get Paid for Changing The World

If you’re interested in starting and growing a lightworker-style business where you get paid to create positive ripples in the world, I can recommend a free book from top business coach Ryan Eliason to get you off to a great start. This isn’t some tiny PDF. It’s a full-sized book packed with practical ideas and guidance from an experienced entrepreneur and […]

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

A spiritual purpose statement answers the question: Why am I here? A spiritual purpose statement for a relationship answers the question: Why are we in each other’s lives? Yesterday I felt inspired to create a spiritual purpose statement for my relationship with Rachelle. I figured it would be simplest if I took a first stab […]

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

A spiritual purpose statement answers the question: Why am I here? A spiritual purpose statement for a relationship answers the question: Why are we in each other’s lives? Yesterday I felt inspired to create a spiritual purpose statement for my relationship with Rachelle. I figured it would be simplest if I took a first stab […]

Your Relationship Purpose Statement

A spiritual purpose statement answers the question: Why am I here? A spiritual purpose statement for a relationship answers the question: Why are we in each other’s lives? Yesterday I felt inspired to create a spiritual purpose statement for my relationship with Rachelle. I figured it would be simplest if I took a first stab […]

The Spiritual Path of Veganism

At the time of this writing, I’ve been vegan for more than 18 years (vegetarian for 22 years). I’ve already written about transitioning to veganism, which I did during the 1990s. This time I’ll share some thoughts and feelings about what it’s like to be vegan as opposed to becoming vegan, especially with respect to living in a […]

Your Own Star Colony

My long-term path of exploring personal growth has often felt like repeatedly breaking orbit around a familiar star to go explore elsewhere in the galaxy. Usually this involves three stages: Recognizing that the familiar star is limiting my growth; becoming aware of its constraints Feeling increasingly attracted to new possibilities outside the current star system; […]