Category: Balance

Andrew’s Story

Andrew Wilcox recently shared a story with me about his experiences with conscious lifestyle change. His story includes some insights that I haven’t really touched upon. I asked him if it would be okay to publish it here in my blog, and thankfully he agreed. Your lifestyle includes the work you do, the income you […]

Lifestyle Consequences of Your Business Decisions

Building and growing your own business can be a wonderful part of your personal growth journey. Making a new business profitable and successful is a real challenge by itself, but you also want to be careful to avoid creating a business that seems to be doing well while it’s actually killing your lifestyle. There are […]

8 Shortcuts to Desire and Motivation

Many people ask me how to develop a better connection to their desires, passions, and major life interests. I know that a lot of people feel bored, checked out, and unclear about what goals to pursue. Let me share some of my favorite shortcuts to help you figure out what drives you. 1. Embrace the […]

One Year Without Social Media

In July 2014 I decided to quit social media, including deleting my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Now that more than a year has passed, I’ll share an update about the past year of being free of social media. At the time it was mildly difficult to make the decision to quit, but that was only […]

One Year Without Social Media

In July 2014 I decided to quit social media, including deleting my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Now that more than a year has passed, I’ll share an update about the past year of being free of social media. At the time it was mildly difficult to make the decision to quit, but that was only […]

What to Do When You’re Falling Behind

When I was a kid, it took me longer than I would have liked to learn how to ride a bike. I kept using a bike with training wheels and I didn’t practice much, so of course I didn’t learn how to balance. One day I observed that my sister (younger by 2.5 years) was […]

The Spiritual Path of Veganism

At the time of this writing, I’ve been vegan for more than 18 years (vegetarian for 22 years). I’ve already written about transitioning to veganism, which I did during the 1990s. This time I’ll share some thoughts and feelings about what it’s like to be vegan as opposed to becoming vegan, especially with respect to living in a […]

The New Conscious Heart Workshop

I’m happy to announce that we’re now taking registrations for a new 3-day workshop: The Conscious Heart Workshop. Since this workshop is very unique, I decided to create a video to tell you all about it. So please watch the video to learn about CHW and to decide if you want to be there. Here are the […]

Fatal Dating Mistakes

Did you ever make a foolish mistake and screw up an otherwise good connection with someone you were attracted to? Maybe you made the mistake during your approach. You said or did the wrong thing at the wrong time and killed your chances. Or perhaps it happened during a date. Everything was going okay up […]