Category: Motivation

What is motivation, how do you harness it and make it grow or just stay at bit longer? We explore motivation to help you optimise it.

Solopreneur: You Are Your Business!

Solopreneur: You Are Your Business!

Part II: Self-care Makes You Bulletproof The only way to get strong in all the areas – from health problems, relationship drama, mental state to spiritual struggle – is to keep taking care of them on a daily basis. Keep taking care of you. You need to take care of your physical health, mental wellbeing, […]

Three Collaboration Success Stories in My Business

Three Collaboration Success Stories in My Business

In the first article in the How to Beat an Isolation as a Business Owner Series I explaied how isolation turns smart business owners into morons. Today, read about the other side of the coin: success stories of collaboration in business. I have an aesthetic taste of a brick and I didn’t know that. When […]


The 7 Podcasts I’m Listening to Regularly

There is a plethora of podcasts out there, but there are only 7 podcasts that I subscribe to on my iPhone. I’ll tell you why those specific shows are part of my personal space and I’ll finish with 6 podcast episodes that were mind-blowing for me.

High Earners Adrift

High Earners Adrift

Many of my readers have skills they can apply to earn incomes that are far above average — if they desire to apply those skills for that purpose. A lot of them are programmers or engineers. Some know how to invest or trade stocks. Some are just really good poker players. These people can earn […]

Exploring Without Neediness

Exploring Without Neediness

Have you ever thought about what the world wants from you, as opposed to what you want to give? When you think about your life purpose, is the focus mainly on what you can supply? Does your purpose stem from what you desire to give, such as sharing music if you like music or coaching […]

Completing Your Side Quests

Completing Your Side Quests

There’s an idea (from Hinduism, I believe) that if you want to dedicate yourself to a path of spiritual awakening, yet some seemingly lower desire keeps nagging at you, then you should go pursue that desire first and get it out of your system. If it takes years to do this, that’s okay. You’ll be […]

8 Shortcuts to Desire and Motivation

8 Shortcuts to Desire and Motivation

Many people ask me how to develop a better connection to their desires, passions, and major life interests. I know that a lot of people feel bored, checked out, and unclear about what goals to pursue. Let me share some of my favorite shortcuts to help you figure out what drives you. 1. Embrace the […]

One Year Without Social Media

One Year Without Social Media

In July 2014 I decided to quit social media, including deleting my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Now that more than a year has passed, I’ll share an update about the past year of being free of social media. At the time it was mildly difficult to make the decision to quit, but that was only […]

One Year Without Social Media

One Year Without Social Media

In July 2014 I decided to quit social media, including deleting my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Now that more than a year has passed, I’ll share an update about the past year of being free of social media. At the time it was mildly difficult to make the decision to quit, but that was only […]