Category: Consciousness & Awareness

Conscious Spirituality

Conscious Spirituality

Let me share some thoughts and ideas about consciously exploring your spiritual side, in the form of questions and answers, with the intention that it may help you explore your own spiritual path. Why spirituality? I use the word spirituality to refer to your current understanding of the entire universe of existence and your role within it […]

Completing Your Side Quests

Completing Your Side Quests

There’s an idea (from Hinduism, I believe) that if you want to dedicate yourself to a path of spiritual awakening, yet some seemingly lower desire keeps nagging at you, then you should go pursue that desire first and get it out of your system. If it takes years to do this, that’s okay. You’ll be […]



This morning I was reading a small portion of The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda and came across this passage: What is duty after all? It is really the impulsion of the flesh, of our attachment; and when an attachment has become established, we call it duty. For instance, in countries where there is no marriage, there is no […]

11 Years of Growth

11 Years of Growth

As part of my website update project, I planned to spend a day or so cleaning up the first two years of my blog (2004 to 2006). I started blogging with WordPress version 1.x, and blogging was still a young medium in 2004, so I wasn’t sure where to go with it. During those years […]

Free Mind Map to Build a Successful Heart-Centered Business

Free Mind Map to Build a Successful Heart-Centered Business

Two days ago I shared that heart-centered business coach Ryan Eliason is giving away the revised edition of his popular book for free. If you haven’t already downloaded the book yet, you can get it here: The 10 Best Ways To Get Paid for Changing The World Today Ryan is giving away another freebie — […]

Would You Sleep With a Married Person?

Would You Sleep With a Married Person?

The title assumes of course that the married person isn’t married to you. In light of the recent Ashley Madison revelations, apparently millions of people in North America would have to answer yes to this question. This is a multi-layered question. Let’s peel off some of those layers and look at them individually, so you […]

The Spiritual Path of Veganism

The Spiritual Path of Veganism

At the time of this writing, I’ve been vegan for more than 18 years (vegetarian for 22 years). I’ve already written about transitioning to veganism, which I did during the 1990s. This time I’ll share some thoughts and feelings about what it’s like to be vegan as opposed to becoming vegan, especially with respect to living in a […]

The New Conscious Heart Workshop

The New Conscious Heart Workshop

I’m happy to announce that we’re now taking registrations for a new 3-day workshop: The Conscious Heart Workshop. Since this workshop is very unique, I decided to create a video to tell you all about it. So please watch the video to learn about CHW and to decide if you want to be there. Here are the […]

Your Own Star Colony

Your Own Star Colony

My long-term path of exploring personal growth has often felt like repeatedly breaking orbit around a familiar star to go explore elsewhere in the galaxy. Usually this involves three stages: Recognizing that the familiar star is limiting my growth; becoming aware of its constraints Feeling increasingly attracted to new possibilities outside the current star system; […]