Category: People Skills

Fatal Dating Mistakes

Fatal Dating Mistakes

Did you ever make a foolish mistake and screw up an otherwise good connection with someone you were attracted to? Maybe you made the mistake during your approach. You said or did the wrong thing at the wrong time and killed your chances. Or perhaps it happened during a date. Everything was going okay up […]

Make People Feel Good

Make People Feel Good

A simple way to enjoy a happier and more abundant social life is to put some effort into making people feel good. Many people get so caught up thinking they have to rack up some accomplishments, get into better shape, become a person of high value, and more — just to give themselves permission to reach out and […]

Project Hugfest

Project Hugfest

In the final afternoon of the Conscious Life Workshop in August 2014, I gave the group of 125 attendees a special challenge — to come up with a co-creative project that would provide value to others and that we could all do together in about 90 minutes. I played facilitator and referee during this time, but the group […]