Category: Creating Reality

The COVID Omicron Surge (and Why I Got Vaccinated)

The current COVID surge is bigger than ever by a lot, particularly in Europe and North America. The daily infections rate blew previous records away yesterday in many places. Here are some telling graphs showing daily new cases in some countries. Note how quickly the latest spike has shot up. United Kingdom France Spain Italy…

Surround Sound Intentions

In November I did a 30-day challenge regarding ideation, sharing progress updates in the CGC forums as I went along. My version of the challenge was to generate 100+ divergent ideas per day for each day of November. My intention was to stimulate some thinking in new directions. Most of the ideas I generated weren’t…

Upgrading My Hardware Tools

As part of my garage decluttering project this summer, I refactored and upgraded my hardware tools. I thought some readers might enjoy seeing the before and after pics of this part of the project, especially since it’s easy to see the changes visually. I hadn’t personally selected or bought most of my old tools. They…

Spiritual Marketing

Spiritual Marketing

In January I deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts, so I launched the new Amplify course without social media and with no advertising. I did share the invitation video on YouTube, but it only had a few hundred views there. I felt attracted to the idea of pulling my business focus inward. Instead of reaching…

Creative Courage

Creative Courage

I love the feeling of making a big creative commitment, knowing that I have to lean into trust, rely on my knowledge and skills, and take lots and lots of action to follow through. It reminds me of when I used to go cliff diving on Catalina Island when I was younger, jumping off a…

Driven by Curiosity

Driven by Curiosity

People often ask me what drives me. While there can be many motivations for taking action, I’d say that one of my biggest drivers is curiosity. I love to learn, and I find it most valuable to learn through hands-on direct experience. In my early years of exploring personal development, I did a combination of…

Hard Cares

Hard Cares

What do you care about? Go ahead and rattle off your initial list – the people you know, doing a good job at work, making a positive difference in the world, etc. Then dig deeper. What are your high-risk cares? What do you care about internally but never share because you might be judged for…

Guaranteeing a Certain Kind of Year

Guaranteeing a Certain Kind of Year

One thing I love about interesting commitments is that they can guarantee that I’ll have a certain kind of year. This requires that I pick a commitment that’s close to 100% under my direct control, so there are no significant risky external points of failure. This year I guaranteed that I’d do a lot of…

Thriving Without a God

Thriving Without a God

In your favorite models of reality, do you include a god or gods? Have you tested models and frames that are god-free to see how well they work for you? I grew up learning models of reality that include a god, in that case a Christian version of one. Later I went atheist, and I…