Category: Creating Reality

Imaginary Failure

Imaginary Failure

Confidence and certainty are often disconnected from accuracy. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of cases where someone holds a belief that clearly isn’t true. What you see so clearly in others in harder to see within yourself, however. For that reason it’s wise to identify, question, and test some of your assumptions to see if…

Visualizing Energy Flows

Visualizing Energy Flows

Visualizing your goals can be helpful, but don’t limit your visualizations to the same types of scenes you’re accustomed to seeing with your eyes. Your mind is a lot more powerful than your eyeballs. Note also that your visual cortex is only about 0.5% of your brain. Consider what more is possible if you could…

Coronavirus Pressure

Coronavirus Pressure

For quite a while my home state of Nevada was seeing less than 200 new coronavirus cases per day. Then the casinos, bars, and many other local businesses were allowed to reopen. I soon saw the stats creeping up to 300-400 new cases per day… then to 500-1000 per day. Now we’re around 1400 new…

The Possibility Space

The Possibility Space

One of the key lessons of the Submersion course is to keep reminding yourself that more is possible. There’s a massive world of possibility beyond your limited range of experience. Within this possibility space are solutions to all of your problems. There are life-altering experiences that you haven’t even fathomed yet. This world of possibility…

Dragons Don’t Care About Lines

Dragons Don’t Care About Lines

If you feel like you’re being held back from advancing in some area of life, consider that you may be correct. Let’s suppose that something is holding you back. Can you identify what that something is? Is some person or group of people getting in your way? Is a physical issue with your body slowing…



Since I live in a very hilly neighborhood, my morning runs are basically hill training. There are many routes I can run, but the main question for choosing a route is when to do the uphill and downhill portions. If I do the uphill first, it’s harder starting out, but then the second half is…

Healing Circles

Healing Circles

As the coronavirus has moved into the homes of more people I know, I see a lot of fear energy being stirred up. People are frightened. Some are angry too, especially as they see others not taking the situation seriously or engaging in sociopathic anti-mask behavior. I contrast this with what I see elsewhere from…

Power Challenges

Power Challenges

Since Trump is doing such a hideous job on his re-election campaign, some analysts are concluding that he’s deliberately trying to sabotage himself. They suggest that he’s putting out strong indications that he really doesn’t want the job for another four years (or that he doesn’t expect to get re-elected). One example is that he…

Please Begone From My Reality, Foul Trump Supporters

Please Begone From My Reality, Foul Trump Supporters

I just want to be very clear about something. I don’t tolerate the presence of Trump supporters spouting their nonsense in my personal space, which includes my email inbox, social media, and personal friendship circles. On social media I unapologetically unfriend, block, and banish Trump supporters on sight (or smell). If I happen to have…

Your Relationship with Failure

Your Relationship with Failure

Here are some quotes from J.K. Rowling about the fear of failure: Part of the reason there were seven years between having the idea for Philosopher’s Stone and getting it published, was that I kept putting the manuscript away for months at a time, convinced it was rubbish. Fear of failure is the saddest reason…