Category: Values

Frequencies of Experience

Frequencies of Experience

I often think of life as summation of different experiential frequencies, much like different musical instruments can combine to create a song. Some frequencies combine harmoniously while others would sound discordant if you tried to merge them. What about I find most interesting about this model is that it helps me discover when some frequencies…

Your Personal Prime Directives

Your Personal Prime Directives

I recently finished the book What You Do Is Who You Are by Ben Horowitz, which is about business culture. It has interesting ideas that we can apply to the personal side as well. The main idea behind the book is that actions and behaviors define culture more than values or ideals do. People absorb…

Why It’s Unwise to Be a Minimalist

When I first heard about the concept of minimalism many years ago, I was intrigued but also a bit hesitant. As I looked into it, I found that my hesitation towards it was well-founded, and I don’t consider it a particularly intelligent strategy for life or business.

Aligned Solutions

Aligned Solutions

Aligning your life can be very challenging. By alignment I’m referring to harmonious interactions among your: thoughts feelings frames / perspectives lifestyle living situation relationships values desires goals intentions work finances health body family friendships social life personality We all have misalignments to deal with in one of more areas of life. Are you actively…

Spiritual Marketing

Spiritual Marketing

In January I deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts, so I launched the new Amplify course without social media and with no advertising. I did share the invitation video on YouTube, but it only had a few hundred views there. I felt attracted to the idea of pulling my business focus inward. Instead of reaching…

Hard Cares

Hard Cares

What do you care about? Go ahead and rattle off your initial list – the people you know, doing a good job at work, making a positive difference in the world, etc. Then dig deeper. What are your high-risk cares? What do you care about internally but never share because you might be judged for…

Secure Attachment and Investment

Secure Attachment and Investment

In psychology there are three general ways to relate to other people, depending on how you interpret and manage emotional risk. You can avoid deep emotional investments in people (avoidant attachment). You can try to control other people (anxious attachment). You can intelligently bond with people and invest in secure relationships (secure attachment). You can…

Can You Trust a Life of Fun?

Can You Trust a Life of Fun?

During my late teens, each time I got caught shoplifting and had to deal with the consequences, my mind would dwell on what I could have done differently. I went over and over different actions I could have taken to avoid the arrest. This helped me get better at shoplifting. Each arrest or near-arrest made…