Don’t Intend Money Directly

The Law of Attraction can be very powerful. It’s more than wishing, intending, and visualizing though.

I know a lot of people who intend money to come to them. They keep intending for years, and they usually attract little or no money that way. They wonder when the money will show up. They hope it will show up. But it doesn’t show up.

Money avoids such people because there’s very little power in such an intention. For most people, money isn’t much to get excited about. It’s just a number in a computer database. It’s meaningless.

The people who achieve amazing results with the LoA rarely intend to attract money directly since they know that money isn’t a power source. They look past the money and seek to attract what they really desire. Money is worthless since all it does is sit there, so trying to attract money is almost always a complete waste of time. I was only able to do it when I turned it into a game. My real intention was to learn more about how this universe works, and money showed up as a result of that, but I didn’t need the money or get attached to it.

Skip the money intentions, and intend whatever you think you’ll do with the money instead. Go for the adventure, the expansion, the new possibilities, the lifestyle changes, etc. Never make the mistake of holding intentions rooted in fear or security since those are powerless intentions. This is a universe of growth, not of security. If you make the mistake of thinking that money will make you stronger, safer, or freer, you’re weaving powerlessness into your intention, so you’ll get nothing but more validation of your powerlessness.

When you try to manifest money directly because you think it will give you some benefits, it’s like chasing a rainbow. It will constantly tease you while remaining perpetually out of reach. Skip the pot of gold. It’s a useless distraction.

Money often shows up as a side effect of bolder intentions. Intend the boldness, and money may arrive as part of the story. Don’t get attached to the money though, and don’t get clingy with it. It’s not a source of security. It’s not a power source. It’s not freedom or strength.

Steve Pavlina

Steve Pavlina is an American self-help author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur. He is the author of the web site and the book Personal Development for Smart People.

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