Launch Principles
In case you might find this interesting, these are the principles I use for designing course launches. I tweak this list for each new course, but overall it’s been pretty stable.
When I have a tricky design decision to make while developing the project design document (or during the launch itself), I consult this list. It’s a way of refreshing my alignment with the principles I want to follow. Careful thought went into coming up with this list, and they’ve already proven themselves to me, so I know that I can trust them.
Assume trust, and launch to people who trust me. Don’t chase low-trust people. Let people invest when they’re ready.
Encourage consumption of the pre-launch content. Encourage buying. Encourage consumption of the program.
Be open and up front about the offer. Don’t hide or obfuscate my desire for people to buy and appreciate what I’ve created.
Stay flexible and adaptable throughout the launch. Invite feedback. Quickly incorporate worthwhile suggestions. Show that I’m listening and responding with action to improve our co-creative alignment.
Share enthusiasm for the co-creative experience. Help people feel proud of their investment.
Share logical reasons why participating and saying yes to the offer is a good idea for those who are aligned with it. Also point out the potential shortcomings of the offer and how that may affect people. Be straight with people, and don’t overplay the benefits. Building long-term trust is more important than a one-time sale.
Express genuine caring for people throughout the launch process, the delivery of the program, and beyond. Don’t stoop to tactics that amount to “pretending to care.”
Embrace light-hearted humor and fun, especially when it’s spontaneous.
Hold myself and others accountable to a high standard of honor. Hold people accountable to doing their part once they accept the offer.
Gently invite people to participate and invest. Open the door, and let them be free to walk through it.
Keep the process psychologically safe for participants. Don’t use tactics to trigger people emotionally. Connect with compassion, not forceful persuasion, and let them maintain emotional control.
Favor alignment over sales volume. Filter for aligned people, and seek to dissuade misaligned people from participating. Attract people who are very likely to benefit from the offer. Make heart-aligned decisions at each step.
Make win-win-win offers: good for them, good for me and my team, and good ripples for the world. Use this standard for pricing decisions too.
Offer strong, bold, unique growth experiences that pack in a lot of value.
Don’t complicate the process unnecessarily. Don’t slow people down if they’re ready to progress faster.
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