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CGC Year 7 Underway 🎉

Year 7 of Conscious Growth Club (CGC), our exclusive personal growth community, is off to a delightful start. We welcomed our newest members with an orientation call on Friday, May 5th, and today, we’re holding our first Intention Infusion call, one of the many new call formats we’re introducing this year. In these calls, we’ll share individual intentions and co-create and energize a group intention, along with an intentional tracer.

To give you a glimpse into the CGC experience, here’s our calendar for the rest of the month, showcasing some of our new call formats. We actually have 9 different call formats, each running at different frequencies throughout the year.

Here’s the same calendar in list view, which makes it easier to see the names of the calls.

Our Focus & Flourish calls, held twice a month, offer check-ins to share progress updates and mastermind together. We have our first of those calls this Wednesday.

This month we also have two Explorers’ Exchange calls. The first will be a group discussion on creating high engagement workflow, and the second will delve into effectively utilizing social media.

I’m looking forward to a fabulous new year ahead in CGC. It’s wonderful to be a part of such an immersive, growth-oriented community.

Our next opening for new members will be from April 25 to May 1, 2024, so if you didn’t join this year, please mark your calendar to join us for CGC Year 8 in 2024. Stay in the loop by joining our email list.

Steve Pavlina

Steve Pavlina is an American self-help author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur. He is the author of the web site stevepavlina.com and the book Personal Development for Smart People.

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