Fearless 2.0: The Re-Launch of My New Fearless Training Program
By Leo Babauta
I’m excited to announce that I’m launching a completely new version of my Fearless Training Program (which I think of as “Fearless 2.0”).
A little over a year ago, I launched the Fearless Training Program on Patreon, as an experiment: how do I train people in the uncertainty of doing meaningful work? What would an effective training system look like?
I’ve spent the past year figuring that out, with some amazing people taking part in the program, and I’ve learned a lot.
I’ve learned that:
- If you train wholeheartedly in this, you can see some amazing results, completely changing your relationship to fear and discomfort
- You can gain confidence, the ability to be with your most difficult emotions, the ability to overcome your deepset patterns
- People training in this have overcome fears to create amazing things and step into a bigger game
- Training with others, in teams, is a powerful way to shift things
I’ve also learned that Patreon wasn’t a good platform for this kind of program. People had a hard time finding things, it’s hard to build a community there, and it was confusing to newcomers to the program, to name just a few things.
So I’m relaunching, with a simplified structure, a beautiful new website, and an even more powerful program.
Deepen Training Beyond Basic Habits
For seven years now, I’ve run my Sea Change Program as a way to help people change their habits. And it has been fantastic — more than a thousand people joined and trained every month to change habits. I’ve seen some incredible transformations in Sea Change.
Sea Change is a powerful place to lay the foundation of your new life: you learn to change your habits, create mindfulness, get healthy, wake earlier, work on relationships and clutter and finances. This helps you get stability and feel like you have a handle on your life.
The Fearless Training Program is the next step, to deepen your training.
Once you’ve gotten that foundation, you are ready to push into the habitual patterns that arise when you do meaningful work. You are ready to face head-on the procrastination, the avoidance, the distraction, the self-doubts that will come on when you intentionally put yourself into uncertainty.
You’re ready to learn to be dedicated to your deepest work, and to be devoted to people you care deeply about.
You’re ready to train with others in small teams, to get accountability and support to hold you in the training when you feel like running.
It’s transformative.
The Way Fearless Training Works
The new Fearless 2.0 is designed to be more effective. It is structured like this:
- We have Monthly Focuses for our training, with a guided meditation training that you are encouraged to do daily, training videos and articles, homework, and a live community training call.
- You set a monthly goal for your training — write four chapters of your book, for example. You do weekly check-ins with your team and the larger Fearless community for learning and accountability.
- You have training sessions (4 a week) to work on your goal and train mindfully in uncertainty.
- We have a Fearless community and small teams, to give you accountability, support and compassion as you train. You are not alone — you’re on this journey with others who struggle as well, who are making incremental progress in shifting their patterns.
- You’ll get guidance from me — I lead the monthly community training calls, develop the Monthly Focus content (including meditations, videos, articles, etc.), have a monthly Q&A to answer your questions, and do 1-on-1 training calls with people when needed.
It takes commitment, but if you have meaningful work in your life, if you care deeply about who you serve, if you have something you want to create in the world … this is the training you need.
It’s the best program in the world for training in the uncertainty and shifting the habitual patterns that arise with meaningful work.