Practice Being More Open-Hearted in Relationships
By Leo Babauta
While relationships can be such a rewarding place of intimacy, delight and love, it’s also true that they can trigger us to shut down our hearts. This is a constant struggle for many people, and also the place of potential for our biggest personal growth.
What would it be like to open up your heart instead of shutting down? What would it be like to notice your narratives and step beyond them into growth, into real connection?
This month, I’m issuing one of my most challenging challenges yet: the Open-Hearted Relationships Challenge.
This is not just for those who are in a committed, romantic relationship — it’s for anyone who is in relationship with someone they care about, whether it’s a best friend, sibling, parent, child, business partner, mentor or any other loved one.
In this challenge, we’ll work on:
- Noticing the emotions and inner narratives that come up for us in relationship to the other person.
- Practicing keeping our hearts open, even during times of stress.
- Practicing praise & gratitude.
- Practicing giving the love we want to receive.
These are powerful, transformative practices that will keep us growing for a lifetime, not just one month.
I invite you to join me and a thousand others in my Sea Change Program, which is focused on helping you change your habits.
Join Sea Change now (free for a week, $15/month after) and you’ll get:
- Articles each week to help you practice during the challenge
- A live video webinar with me where you can ask questions
- A community on Slack where you can get accountability and support
- The ability to join a small team for deeper practice and accountability
- A library of past challenges, video courses and articles to change any important habit
It’s a powerful program, and a transformative challenge. Join Sea Change today!