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2016 Winnipeg Fringe Festival

I’ll be in Winnipeg July 15-25 for the Winnipeg Fringe Festival. If you’re in the area, let’s meet up — I love Canadians! If enough people are interested, perhaps we could do a group meetup as well. The last time we had a Winnipeg meetup was in December 2010 at The Forks, and we had a pretty good turnout.

Drop me a message via my contact form if you’re interested in meeting up. Rachelle and I (and our good friend Isabelle) will be seeing a bunch of Fringe plays, so we’ll be all around the area where the venues are. You might catch us hanging out at the Starbucks at Portage & Main when we aren’t seeing shows.

Rachelle isn’t doing a show of her own for this Fringe — the Fringe lotteries were mean to her this year — so we’re just going to immerse ourselves in human creative expression. That way we’ll be bursting with creativity when we fly back to Vegas for the Conscious Abundance Workshop.

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Steve Pavlina

Steve Pavlina is an American self-help author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur. He is the author of the web site stevepavlina.com and the book Personal Development for Smart People.

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