Yearly Archive: 2021

The COVID Omicron Surge (and Why I Got Vaccinated)

The current COVID surge is bigger than ever by a lot, particularly in Europe and North America. The daily infections rate blew previous records away yesterday in many places. Here are some telling graphs showing daily new cases in some countries. Note how quickly the latest spike has shot up. United Kingdom France Spain Italy…

Surround Sound Intentions

In November I did a 30-day challenge regarding ideation, sharing progress updates in the CGC forums as I went along. My version of the challenge was to generate 100+ divergent ideas per day for each day of November. My intention was to stimulate some thinking in new directions. Most of the ideas I generated weren’t…

Every Human Can Be Grateful All the Time

People have a really hard time when trying to develop a gratitude practice. Quickly, they “run out” of the things they are grateful for. I say, we are like fish who don’t notice water around them. We have the whole ocean of things to be grateful for.

green pine tree with fireflies

Slow Holidays

By Leo Babauta For the past couple of Decembers, I’ve created a lot of spaciousness and slowness for myself. It’s a beautiful way to wind down the year and reflect on my life. The holiday season can be a rushed affair for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. I’d like to share a […]

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How to Find Peace of Mind Writing, Publishing and Promoting Your Book

Another great podcast with the transcription! This episode is great for book writers, self-publishers, and universal – good for all. Here comes my Cliffs Notes: Snow Globe I wrote a whole book about changing your self-talk, but even the best advice on this topic is worthless, when people cannot grasp what self-talk is.

person using MacBook Pro

Interstitial Ritual: Finding Focus & Mindfulness in Your Day

By Leo Babauta We will often start our days with the best of intentions … and then promptly get caught up in a chain of busywork, messages, opening browser tabs, checking on things, answering email … … and soon the day has gone by and we wonder what we did with the day. There’s a […]

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Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Business with a Podcast

Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Business with a Podcast

This book lives up to its title. This is truly the ultimate guide. At least when it comes to growing a business. It may miss some details; for example, what equipment to use (although I didn’t really pay attention to that, it may as well contain those details), but when it comes to business and […]

The post Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Business with a Podcast appeared first on ExpandBeyondYourself.

Using the Pandemic as Mental Training Ground

By Leo Babauta This neverending pandemic hasn’t been the best mental health environment for many people — it has created raised levels of uncertainty, anxiety, loneliness, unhappiness, procrastination and feelings of dreariness for large numbers of people. That’s understandable, and I feel tremendous compassion for everyone who is suffering right now. I strongly believe that this […]

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five black rocks

Energy Depletion & the Practice of Relaxing Our Threat Detector

By Leo Babauta I’ve been working with a large number of people who are very often exhausted, not just from sleep problems but from their daily activities. A lot of us are drained by being around other people, doing video meetings, going out in public … and so we start to avoid those activities to […]

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