Category: GTD

What are YOUR 43 Things?

What are YOUR 43 Things?

I’ve been a fan of goals website 43 Things for awhile, although I don’t use it on a daily basis. What I love about it is that it forces you to think about what...

5 Ways GTD Helps You Achieve Your Goals

5 Ways GTD Helps You Achieve Your Goals

Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on twitter or identica. I’ve mentioned that I’m a GTD addict on this site before (My GTD Implementation, Beginner’s GTD Guide, Mind Like Water), but I’d like...

Beginner’s Guide to GTD

Beginner’s Guide to GTD

Photo courtesy of iBjorn Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. I get a lot of questions about GTD – what are the basic principles, how should one start. Well, the obvious...

My Morning Routine

Today I start a new habit: my morning routine (to be honest, I started a couple days ago). All this month I will focus on making my morning routine a daily habit. I’ve actually...

Mind Like Water

Mind Like Water

Start from a place of peace. Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. As I just posted about my GTD implementation, I started thinking about what appeals to me most about GTD....

My GTD Implementation

A favorite topic among GTDers is describing their GTD implementation. I won’t try and be a non-conformist here — I’ll jump on the bandwagon. As with most GTDers, I’ve tried a number of different...