Category: Transformation

Your Beliefs Create Your Reality: The simplest method to discover your subconcious beliefs

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels Your beliefs create your reality. There was a time in my life when I had sneered at such statements. Pshaw! Beliefs! Anything else? Maybe a Santa Claus or a tooth fairy? Oh, my old, ignorant, stupid self. A tooth fairy may share a lot of features with beliefs — nobody saw them in real […]

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Four Self-Improvement Habits which Had the Biggest Impact on My Life

Four Self-Improvement Habits which Had the Biggest Impact on My Life

Small activities that provided great benefits It’s hard to say which of my self-improvement habits has had the biggest impact on my life. I have too many of them and introduced them into my life in a very rapid fashion. So, it is really hard to measure and recognize which habits have been the most impactful. […]

The post Four Self-Improvement Habits which Had the Biggest Impact on My Life appeared first on ExpandBeyondYourself.

The Amazing Results of Writing Down Your Goals

The Amazing Results of Writing Down Your Goals

Make friends with pen and paper, it’s worth it I get a feeling that writing is a universal key to our subconscious mind. My experience with journaling and goal setting suggests that despite the huge number of volumes about the power of the subconscious mind, we still hopelessly undervalue it. And you can throw the […]

5 Significant Lessons from My Personal Transformation

5 Significant Lessons from My Personal Transformation

In the last six years I learned a lot. But I will only share most significant lessons from my personal transformation; the ones that made a huge difference because I actually applied them. I found a lot more of groundbreaking discoveries, but I’m far from using them to the fullest. For example, I learned about […]

You Are Cursed: Unlock Your Big Potential

You are cursed since your birthday. We all are, because we live in a cursed society. Practically every single of us lives with this curse. We grew up with it. We didn’t even notice it. We accepted it, like a person blind from birth to accept darkness as a default.

Power up Your Self-Talk and Reclaim Your Life

There is very little “self” in self-help. I already said that self-help is a big fat lie. However, there are still areas where outside help can do very little for you. Self-talk is the most important of them and I tackle this problem in my next book.